Friday, November 13, 2009

Formation Reading List--August through November

With all that is going on in my life (mom, MIL, and Aspergers son), I may have been remiss in posting the Formation Reading List for the last few months. Here goes:

August -- St. Alphonsus Liguori -- little chapters on prayer in his collected works from Paulist Press. They were free to read more in the book, if the Spirit led them to do so.

September -- Magisterial documents on the religious life from the Vatican website.

October -- St. John of the Cross -- Dark Night of the Soul. This is a snippet from "The Ascent of Mount Carmel" but they were free to read that as well.

November -- Fr. Faber's "All for Jesus."


Pre-postulancy Novena-retreat Begins Today

The Novas become Pre-Postulants today, as they begin a nine day novena to the Poor Souls in Purgatory for assistance in their upcoming year of formation. The Novas' Postulant year begins next Saturday, November 21, Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, and the date of the Pro Orantibus ("For those who pray").

Their garb for the coming year will be all black--skirt, blouse or quality t-shirt, hoodie, and tiechel. The Miraculous Medal will be retained.

We follow the Carthusian Rule interepreted for our own purposes by our Plan of Life, known to us as "Nesting in the Sacred Heart." The Carthusian Rule calls for an eight day retreat prior to profession, and the Spirit indicated that for us, we should have nine days, and include a novena. November 21 is on a Saturday, which for us is dedicated to the Poor Souls and the Mother of Sorrows.

Please keep our Pre-Postulants in your prayers. Be assured of our prayers for you and your intentions.
