Tuesday, September 22, 2009

As the Nova Year Draws to a Close

Everybody is persevering, and the Plan of Life continues to "distill"--bits and pieces presenting themselves at their own pace to be put in the final make-up of the rule.

The post-nomial initials will be "eremOLC". In the future, aspirants will take a new name--filling in the blank behind "Sr Mary of ____" and use "a.eremOLC" with the "a" indicating the aspirancy level. The reason for the name format is this: imitation of Blessed Emilie's Society of Mary Reparatrix. Since the sisters were to be other Marys making reparation with her and in her place--as far as possible--they had such a format. "Sr Mary of St Agatha" would be called "Sr Mary St Agatha" or "Sr Mary Agatha."

Aspirants will begin their journey with us in July, so that they may begin the Novaship on November 21. They will also be requested to name their hermitage.We are doing the aspirancy differently than other orders. In our charism, the Aspirant is one who has discerned that this is where God is leading her, and the aspirancy is a true preparatory phase for the Novaship. The aspirants will start practicing covering, and will pare down their wardrobes. This is what happened with the first aspirant band, so we made note and added it to the Plan of Life.

I have been asked if the prayerbooks will be strictly Latin. In this time of economic upheaval, I do not wish this to be a burden to anyone, so following the suit of a friend who is a monastic novice mistress, I say "use what you have on hand".When we start having the Cloisterite Convergence, as the Spirit has named the hermits' coming together, I will have to ask somebody's permission to copy Latin prayer and Mass books. We will also use the time for retreat and business matters.

However, due to my husband more than likely running for Congress (House) in 2010, any Convergances won't take place until 2011 or thereabouts.
